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Letters to the editor: rail line, revamped intersections, dog rules and more

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Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor at Sunshine Coast News via news@sunshinecoastnews.com.au. You must include your name and suburb for accountability, credibility and transparency.

This railway line and its route were being discussed on the Sunshine Coast in the 1980s, with the line to be opened by 2001.

It is simply governments being incompetent. You plan the route, secure the land, budget, get the funds and build the infrastructure. That is the duty of government to ensure we have the required infrastructure and so far all the state governments have failed.

But they still go home at the end of the day with their pay packets, irrespective of their performance.

Over many years, I have given examples of new rail projects globally and these – some requiring complicated construction – have been planned and built and are operational.

We are still doing studies costing millions of dollars and where are the results of all those previous ‘studies’ that also cost millions of dollars?

The only way that the Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line will be constructed prior to the Olympics will be if the Chinese build it.

Unfortunately, we are simply not capable or obviously not experienced enough or the line would have been built.

Google the new railway in Laos to Vientiane and you will see what I am talking about.

For me it is so sad we are so far behind the times … by decades when it comes to railways.

Ken Coulter, Ilkley

Why does it have to take so long?

Doesn’t the projected growth for this region demand more infrastructure? It seems we are always doomed to address yesterday’s problems today with tomorrow’s money.

Jess Thrankson, Caloundra

I don’t understand why the proposed roundabout change does not include a dedicated slip road from South Coolum Road westbound towards the motorway, joining the existing dual lane.

Just west of the roundabout is the existing two-lane divided road westbound.

The location of the intersection. Traffic can sometimes be backed up to the motorway.

But the proposed change continues to only have one lane exiting west towards the motorway, only to form two lanes within 20m.

Surely providing a dedicated slip road would reduce the number of vehicles having to enter the roundabout, thereby reducing congestion.

Chris Hall, Yaroomba

Barbaric logic to suggest traffic lights will reduce congestion.

On what planet do traffic lights that operate 24/7 improve our lives?

Geoff Edwards, Noosa Heads

I have owned a unit at Buddina for about two decades. I have seen the gradual ruin of the Point Cartwright Reserve accelerate in recent years, mostly directly due to off-leash dogs and the irresponsible behaviour of their owners. Many locals have ceased to visit the reserve for reasons related to this off-leash dog plague.

There have been changes to dog access at Point Cartwright.

I am happy to report, and it is the opinion of many locals, a dramatic improvement in the enjoyment that can be had by a visit to the reserve since the new local laws prohibiting off-leash dogs has come into effect. I have even had dog owners tell me that they think the changes are an improvement; they feel that they and their dogs are less threatened by the uncontrolled dogs of the irresponsible.

Some in the dog lobby would have us believe that these laws are a draconian backward step. This is not many, many locals’ experience; quite the contrary – it is a vast improvement with many more families using the reserve and, in particular, the Half Moon Bay beach, without fear of molestation by uncontrolled dogs. Peace and serenity have largely returned. With the single exception of the north-facing beach (which now has become the only dog-free beach in Buddina outside Kawana bathing reserve; and even then only at weekends) and the shorebird habitat of the shore of the rocky headland itself, and contrary to what the activists in the dog lobby would have us believe, dogs are still permitted in all the reserve areas that are open to the public; they simply have to be on leads. They are not categorically banned.

I, and others, would like to congratulate and most sincerely thank all councillors who supported this change in local laws, and most particularly Cr Joe Natoli who bore, and continues to bear, the brunt of the burden (and the criticism) for the vast improvement.

Peter Hawkins, Buddina

This story is only the tip of the iceberg.

I have been to places across Australia that are littered with human waste and toilet paper strewn everywhere, along with rubbish, vandalism and clear evidence of hooning.

When, not if, these places are closed, it will be the thoughtless and careless perpetrators of these disgusting behaviours who will moan the loudest. And those few will have spoiled it for everyone else’s safe and respectful enjoyment.

Clinton White, Parrearra

Very happy to see a pedestrian crossing at Scrub Road.

With the traffic building every day along David Low Way, I really believe that more pedestrian crossings should be considered. In particular, one is definitely needed from the tourist/caravan park to The Coffee Club as many families try to navigate across that stretch of road to shop in the local shops. I have lived in Coolum Beach for 18 years and have noticed the traffic building up steadily, so now is the time to accommodate those pedestrians that try to cross the road to spend money locally.

Lloyd Pape, Coolum Beach

Seems once again Noosa Council rejects a much-needed proposal.

Val Breiner 

  • Nuclear power ‘backflip’

I am deeply concerned about the real motivations behind Ted O’Brien’s campaign to build a nuclear reactor right here on the Sunshine Coast.

Now, don’t get me wrong – I’m not one of those rabid anti-nuclear protesters who can’t tell the difference between a fission reactor and a fusion bomb. Nuclear power can, has and will likely continue to be a substantial source of energy all over the world. I think you’ll be hard-pressed to find someone who’s well-read on the topic of energy who disagrees with this premise.

However, if Ted was as serious about nuclear power as he wants you to think he is, why did he wait until he was in opposition before speaking up?

Why is he campaigning for a nuclear power plant right here on the Sunshine Coast – where it takes years of campaigning to get something as simple as a beach wall or apartment building?

We know nuclear power plants already take a long time to build, around seven to 10 years on average – if he’d said something sooner, perhaps when the people of Fairfax elected him as their MP back in 2016, Australia could have been home to the newest nuclear power industry in the world.

But instead what we saw was a decade of total inaction. More than 20 policies proposed, and not only did none of those include nuclear – but none of them were even enacted.

I hope Sunshine Coast residents will recognise Ted’s backflip for what it is – a ploy, a delay tactic to slow our transition away from fossil fuels. These rubbish, anti-commonsense policy ideas from Ted are simply not welcome here on our Sunshine Coast.

Morrison Lakey, Mooloolah Valley

  • Out of control e-bikes

There I am sitting enjoying a meal on the sidewalk in Ocean Street about 5pm on Saturday afternoon, and the street is relatively quiet except for the few people strolling including families with infants and children.

Suddenly, from Duporth Avenue appear two teenagers on very overpowered e-bikes pelting along the footpath at terrific speed weaving around pedestrians. It was a totally out-of-control scenario that they were thoroughly enjoying. Just one false move or sideways step from a youngster, mother or anyone at all, and the consequences could have been catastrophic.

Please, the council, local police and shop owners need to voice up and bring this dangerous situation under control. The Ocean Street footpath should not be used like this.

Michael Whitty, Maroochydore

Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor at Sunshine Coast News via news@sunshinecoastnews.com.au. You must include your name and suburb for accountability, credibility and transparency.

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