100% Locally Owned, Independent and Free

100% Locally Owned, Independent and Free

Your say: housing fast-track, Paris trip and more

Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor at Sunshine Coast News via news@sunshinecoastnews.com.au. You must include your name and suburb for accountability, credibility and transparency. Preference will be give to letters of 100 words or less. Read the story: Eight-storey affordable housing proposal in fast-track More

Your say: waterpark plans, foreshore revamp and more

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Your say: hotel proposal, added flights and more

Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor More

Your say: seawall plans, bus numbers and more

Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor More

Your say: highway upgrade, store closure, fire ants and more

Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor More

Your say: eco-cabins scrapped, missed bus and more

Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor More

Your say: park camping, supermarket plans and more

Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor More

Your stories. Your community. Your Voice.

Your stories. Your community. Your Voice.

Your say: private park plan, riverside camping and more

Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor More

Your say: backstreet parking, Fluffy the emu and more

Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor More

Your say: foreshore plan, mayor’s Paris trip and more

Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor More

Your say: branch closure, new traffic lights and more

Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor More

Your say: highway frustrations, e-scooter dangers and more

Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor More

Your say: highway upgrade, bank relocation and more

Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor More

Your say: cafe closure, camping fines and more

Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor More

Your say: new council, illegal camping, Bonza and more

Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor More

Your say: homeless solutions, icon makeover and more

Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor More