100% Locally Owned, Independent and Free

100% Locally Owned, Independent and Free

Your say: highway frustrations, e-scooter dangers and more

Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor at Sunshine Coast News via news@sunshinecoastnews.com.au. You must include your name and suburb for accountability, credibility and transparency. Preference will be give to letters of 100 words or less. Read the story: 11km of upgraded highway officially More

Jane Stephens: absurd process for job applications

Once upon a time, individuals applied for a job in person, presenting their More

Sami Muirhead: when life isn’t buckets of fun

Bucket lists are things you want to do at least once in your More

Jane Stephens: why I prefer positivity

Happiness is only real when shared. A candle’s light is not dimmed by More

Sami Muirhead: bleak times caked in joy

The world is topsy-turvy and a little less bright of late. Catherine, Princess of More

Your say: new council, illegal camping, Bonza and more

Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor More

Jane Stephens: time to address kids’ exposure to social media

At 18, you get to vote and drink alcohol. At 17, you get to More

Your stories. Your community. Your Voice.

Your stories. Your community. Your Voice.

Sami Muirhead: finding a sense of place

Do yourself a favour and embrace third place. I am not talking about medal More

Jane Stephens: ratepayers will be watching new council

Now that the voting is over and the counting is done, the rubber More

Sami: why I’ve switched from double-shot lattes to instant coffee

When it comes to my daily ritual, I have gone rogue and returned More

Jane Stephens: look around and see the best of humanity

Many are the mentions of humanity going to hell in a handbasket. Road ragers, More

Sami Muirhead: playing with danger in our watercourses

Sharks: love them or loathe them, they have long fascinated humans and I More

Jane Stephens: obesity issue looms large

Obesity is now recognised as Australia’s biggest health problem – at long last. A More

Sami Muirhead: coping with the post-gig blues

P.C.D. – post-concert depression. It is a thing, people! Pink and Taylor Swift have left More

Coast residents express their views on nuclear power

Sunshine Coast residents have expressed mixed reactions about the prospect of nuclear energy More

Jane Stephens: make some noise about pricing

Australian consumers are being taken for mugs. We are being ripped off and poorly More