I was going to write about Donald Trump, what I think of the leaders of the Free World and what they are up to, God help us. But it would be a waste of 400 words.
It would be wasted, as the more people I run into (that l always thought to be intelligent, successful and well adjusted) who think Donald is the man for the job, the more I doubt my opinion. So, I won’t bother you with it.
Pet ownership is way more important than Donald and his adventurers.
Recently, I was asked to be patron for 4 Paws Animal Rescue, which I was quite flattered about. I questioned my ability to be any help but quickly agreed.
At the moment, I have a few hats on. So, normally I would have said no, but this organisation is beyond outstanding. It is totally volunteer-run with zero remuneration to any of the hard-working crew.
For some like Julie, the boss, it is 24/7 – particularly with our ageing population where, sadly, people must surrender their beloved pet as they are going into care or something worse.
Then there are sad cases of the housing crisis, and other things that impact people and can’t be helped. This service they supply is so important. I get all that.

But what I don’t get is what I believe is another flaw in the flawed human species: people who get a pet, then decide it’s not for them, or they want to go on holidays, or it barks or meows too much, or its sheds too much hair.
So, they simply surrender them, or worse: just dump them somewhere.
Pets are not handbags. You can’t just use them for a while and then discard them.
But thankfully there are organisations such as 4 Paws that can help. But it could use some help as well.
Whether it’s being a responsible pet owner, or a volunteer foster carer or financial donation, the help will be greatly appreciated.
Just on presidents … Julie is a champion – unlike Donald who is one of only two US presidents in history not to have a dog. The other was Andrew Jackson (1829-1837), but he had a parrot, some roosters and horses.
I actually think Andrew was okay, as his parrot attended his funeral but had to be removed as it was swearing too much.
If you want to help good president Julie, go to 4pawsanimalrescue.org.au.
Ashley Robinson is chairman of the the Sunshine Coast Falcons and Sunshine Coast Thunder Netball, and a lifetime Sunshine Coast resident.