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Ashley: I can understand vaccination for health workers, but for people pouring beer or wine?

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The vax or not debate has started in my work.

We are bound by a government telling us everyone must be vaccinated on licensed premises, including staff and customers.

I totally understand some people’s reasoning, or situation, in not wanting to get vaxxed.

However, unfortunately I am in a position that I have no say in what the government mandates and we have to try and implement it, which is not fun.

I have a couple of questions as well for the rule makers: everyone has to be vaxxed in hospitality, but on the other hand some other businesses don’t have to if they don’t want to?

I can understand vaccination being mandatory for health workers, but for people pouring beer or wine?

From mid-December someone who hasn’t had the needle can still rub shoulders in major supermarkets or national hardware outlets with people who chose to have the needle?

How does that make any sense?

So people in hospitality will lose their jobs or, as a customer, their ability to go to the pub with their mates, but the rule does not apply to all, which brings me to another question: Why isn’t it across Australia?

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These are the COVID rules for everyone, not ‘you can do this in this state but not in that one?’

Of course, our state leaders would have you believe it is their incredible genius that has kept us safe when really it’s probably not our turn yet.

I actually hope they are right.

I hope they are geniuses and for once in my lifetime Queensland has been deemed smarter than the rest of country, hence the Peter Beattie Smart State number plates.

But I have grave fears that we have just been lucky; lucky we don’t have the density of southern states.

That may all change with the northern migration in progress.

Our leaders at all levels have tried hard, but certainly a unified national approach would make more sense.

I have no answers except I intend to keep my distance when I’m not at work, which probably means my Russian Roulette pistol has about 50 per cent bullets, at least giving me half a chance, which is probably about the best odds any of us will get.

Ashley Robinson, the CEO of Alex Surf Club, is a columnist with Sunshine Coast News and My Weekly Preview. His views are his own.

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