A 30-unit social housing complex has been proposed for a Sunshine Coast growth suburb.
Not-for-profit community housing provider BlueCHP has proposed the development for 3334sqm of vacant land in the Caloundra South Priority Development Area.
The site, which is owned by Stockland Development Pty Ltd, is on the northwest corner of Aura Boulevard and Park Avenue, Nirimba.
A town planning report submitted to Economic Development Queensland by Innovative Planning Solutions on behalf of BlueCHP outlines that the two-storey complex would have six one-bedroom units and 24 two-bedroom units.
“The proposal includes a mix of single-storey dwelling types with generous private open space areas,” it states.
“The development has been carefully designed at a type and scale that will seamlessly integrate with the surrounding established urban character.”

The proposal allows for 29 resident car parking spaces – one short of requirements – and eight visitor spaces.
“Given the proximity of the proposal to future public transport options and the future city centre, the proposed 30 car spaces is considered acceptable,” the report says.
Its gross floor area of 2260sqm (67.8 per cent) and site cover of 2092sqm (62.8 per cent) would both exceed the 60 per cent maximum.
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Access would be via a 6.2m wide driveway from Addrian Circuit at the north of the site.
“The subject land is positioned within close proximity to a range of services and facilities located within the township of Nirimba, Aura,” the report states.
“These services and facilities include, but are not limited to, early learning centres, primary schools, healthcare and community services, public transport, retail shopping facilities and recreational opportunities.”
BlueCHP provides social, affordable and disability homes and has been in operation for more than 15 years. As a developer, it has delivered more than 2000 homes across eastern Australia.
“The multiple dwelling proposal herein is aimed and designed to contribute towards this ongoing commitment through the delivery of an affordable housing offering in a growing community within the Sunshine Coast region,” the report says.

The material change of use application, which was submitted on December 17 and acknowledged by EDQ on January 21, is subject to code assessment.