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Part of cliff to be repaired after 'extraordinary storm events' in 2022

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A section of cliff face will be repaired and stabilised after a landslip at a beach town three years ago.

The works are set to fortify an area at First Bay, adjacent to David Low Way, at Coolum Beach.

The activities are part of Sunshine Coast Council’s program of works to restore essential public assets, after wild weather struck the region in February and May in 2022.

Sunshine Coast councillor Maria Suarez welcomed the reparations at Coolum.

“This work will ensure the stability and safety of this area, and we’re also building a new path for our community and visitors to enjoy this very special place,” she said.

“I remember the extraordinary storm events in 2022, when heavy rainfall caused a section of the top of the cliff face to become saturated and to slip down the hillside at First Bay.

A section of cliff and foreshore will be restored. Picture: Shutterstock.

“While we’ve had the area safely fenced off since the landslip occurred, I’m pleased we are progressing the repairs at this location.

“We have worked with the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) to secure funding to repair this landslip and other damaged civil assets with assistance from the jointly funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).

“This is one of 15 landslips across the Sunshine Coast repaired using DRFA funding and is part of one of our most successful programs delivering vital repair works through QRA.”

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The landslip works are scheduled to take place from Monday, January 20, to Monday, June 30, weather permitting.

Works will include repairing 145m of public footpath on the eastern side of David Low Way at First Bay and stabilising the cliff face above the beach.

Visitors to the popular spot will still have beach access to First Bay and Second Bay during the work. Access to Hansen’s Lookout at the southern end of the works area will also remain open.

Pedestrian access will be maintained during the project and temporary crossings will be in place at the southern end and northern ends of the works area to allow safe access across David Low Way.

There will be some changes to parking and traffic. Car parking at Hansen’s Lookout will not be available during the works period. Several on-street parking bays along David Low Way will be unavailable.

The northbound driving lane and northbound parking lane will remain open to allow continual access for traffic on David Low Way, however speeds will be reduced to 40kmh.

The right-turn lane from David Low Way into Mona Vista Court will be closed during the works period.

“We do not anticipate significant delays to road users, however I encourage our community to avoid this area and take an alternative route if you can,” Cr Suarez said.

“The posted speed through this section of David Low Way will be reduced from 50kmh to 40kmh for safety reasons.

“While cyclists will still be able to use David Low Way, there won’t be space for vehicles to overtake riders through the works area, with the traffic reduced to sharing the north bound driving lane. I urge drivers and riders to please obey instructions from traffic controllers and slow down through this area.

“Limited night works will also be necessary at the start and end of the project for traffic management and public safety.”

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