“Everything is not as it seems” would be a fair description of myriad topics. I wonder, have you heard of the Great Northern beer commercial? You know, “the beer for up here”.
It describes the tropical rainforest, pristine beaches, crystal-clear ocean and warm summer days.
It actually makes me thirsty, but it doesn’t actually mention some other important points up there in paradise – like the humidity, the tropical cyclones, the crocodiles and the stingers. Funnily enough, none of that is mentioned in the commercial – but no surprises there.
I mention it because it seems I am not everything I seem to be, either.
When I bombed out in the mayoral race, there was a local politician getting around telling everyone I was in the Labor Party and not to vote for me, with a few other criticisms of my character.
It didn’t lose me the election, because I managed that myself, but it certainly didn’t help.

As far as the character is concerned, I’d back mine versus his.
Then the state election came around and the new Deputy Premier asked me to do an endorsement for him, written and video, which I was happy to do as he has always done a good job in my opinion.
All of a sudden, I had people have a crack at me for being an LNP supporter, which really did get me confused.
I have explained to both sides of politics that I am apolitical: I vote for people I think will do a good job and rarely think of the party they are in – probably not overly practical but that’s the way I roll.
It reminded me of when I worked in the pub game: you must be on both sides of politics, all sides of religion and relationships – a bit like a politician but more down to earth and approachable, and more likely to get a punch in the head if you upset someone.
I must say, I feel a bit like Elton John when he was asked in the ‘80s if life had changed when he publicly told the world he was bisexual. He answered: “Yes. Now twice as many people wave to me!”
But I feel I am the opposite of that. Now twice as many people ignore me, which is okay, but slightly confusing.
I might have to have a Great Northern and think about it. No crocs, no stingers – just overzealous political parties, which are not the parties I want to go into.
Ashley Robinson is chairman of the Sunshine Coast Falcons and Sunshine Coast Thunder Netball, and a lifetime Sunshine Coast resident.