The latest creation from homegrown artist Adam Lewczuk has been completed at Nambour’s revamped Quota Memorial Park playground.
The vibrant piece is an extension of the patterns in his 400sqm public artwork along the Howard Street pedestrian link, which features a 25-metre mural.
Mr Lewczuk said he was pleased to see the new playground revamped and to extend the art trail into the play area.
“Nambour is the edgy cultural hub of the Sunshine Coast and the town is full of amazing creatives and change-makers,” he said.
“The walls are covered in art and the town is home to the Coast’s best creative precinct, the Old Ambo.”
Now based in Brisbane, the former Nambour multidisciplinary artist focuses his work on the application of stencils, paste-ups, stickers, large-scale projections and soundscapes while drawing inspiration from 1970s nostalgia.
Mr Lewczuk has revealed the positive inspiration behind the Howard Street mural.
“This mural reflected the notion of Nambour as ‘a community in motion’ – represented by the layering of time achieved using repetitive patterns of local flora and cogs to depict the essence of moving forward in a positive direction,” he said.
“The mural celebrates Nambour’s First Nations connection while acknowledging the region’s industrial and agricultural heritage.”
As a qualified arts educator and community worker, Mr Lewczuk has delivered hundreds of public art commissions, workshops, masterclasses and artist talks for adults, young people and children across the country.
Sunshine Coast Council Community Portfolio Councillor David Law said council recognised that public art added enormous value to the cultural vitality of the community.
“It is a well-accepted principle of urban design that public art contributes to a community’s identity, fosters community pride and a sense of belonging, and enhances the quality of life for its residents and visitors,” Cr Law said.
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