A small historic Coast town that is experiencing residential housing growth is concerned that its network of footpaths is so disjointed, disconnected and haphazard, that it presents safety risks for users.
The Yandina and District Community Association said the footpaths – some grass, some new concrete, some crumbling bitumen, and others non-existent – need attention from Sunshine Coast Council and the Queensland Government.
“Yandina is experiencing rapid growth, but it is still a compact, walkable town,” YADCA President Marie Reeve said.
“Many of the footpaths in the older part of town are grass or non-existent, which makes it difficult for parents with prams, children on bikes or scooters, and people with a mobility device.
“The town needs a connected network of priority footpaths which support and encourage active transport.”
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The state of the footpath under the railway bridge on Ninderry Road, not far from Yandina Primary School, was raised by two mothers whose children “had gone off the edge of the uneven footpath to school and fallen onto the road.”
“One mother had a baby in a pram and twins on bikes when one fell down the embankment into the path of on-coming traffic,” Ms Reeve said. “It was a very scary situation”.
“It is narrow and uneven due to tree roots and there is no protective barrier between the path and the road on the corner of a downhill gradient.”

YADCCA said it raised its concerns about that footpath with council almost 12 months ago.
Ms Reeve quoted a report to YADCA’s November meeting, where Cr David Law is said to have said, “The path to the north of the school under the rail line has been a focus for more than 12 months after a conversation with a parent at one of my drop-in sessions. I have provided feedback including photos and video that I made of the path to the relevant council team, and I am trying to get the renovation of this path brought forward in the planned maintenance/renewal program. The path is partially fenced, and I appreciate the concerns.”
Ms Reeve commented, “I can’t believe nothing has been done. This is a real safety concern. Council can’t claim ignorance if a tragic accident occurs.”
“There’s this big push for active transport now, and there’s funding for it, and you can see brilliant new 3m wide footpaths being put in down the coast, which is part of the 73km Coastal Pathway, and we’d like to see some focus on our little town.”
Read a recent related story: Coastal Pathway takes another step towards completion
“We’ve got people on mobility scooters that have to run off onto the road because the footpath just disappears, and people pushing prams have to go on the road because there’s no footpath, it’s a serious issue.
“Parking at the school is already difficult and there are State Government plans to build a new administration block and six more classrooms to accommodate the growth,” Ms Reeve said.
“Why wouldn’t the council and State Government be doing everything in their power to encourage families to walk or ride to school and reduce the traffic congestion and pressure on parking at school drop-off and pick-up times?”
A Sunshine Coast Council spokesperson told Sunshine Coast News on Thursday that some upgrades were on the way.
“Council’s number one priority is to always keep our pathways and roads users safe.”
“Council’s Civil Asset Management officers have inspected the path under the railway bridge at Ninderry Road and surrounding streets including Nambour Connection Road, Yandina.
“Council will be extending the fence on Ninderry Road – Yandina School Road before Christmas to improve safety and repairing three sections of pathway in this area in the next few months.
“Recurring inspections of pathways will continue to be conducted with any defects identified prioritised and attended to, based on risk and safety.
The community is encouraged to report any damages in their area by contacting council. You can lodge an eRequest online, or contact council’s Customer Contact Centre on 5475 7272. Alternatively, email mail@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au or visit council’s website at Sunshine Coast Council.
YADCA has asked any Yandina residents to report unsafe footpaths in the township (with photos) to: secretary@yadca.org
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