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Traffic-busting highway alternative between Brisbane and Sunshine Coast gathers momentum

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A preferred option has been identified for Stage 1 of an alternative to the Bruce Highway between Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast.

A phased consultation approach has been developed for the traffic buster that would run to the west of the current congested highway.

Queensland Deputy Premier and Member for Murrumba, Steven Miles, said the first phase of consultation for Stage 1 had recently wrapped up.

“Community consultation is an important part of major projects like this, to make sure we are delivering the best outcome for the community,” Mr Miles said.

“Through technical investigations and community feedback, the preferred corridor for Stage 1 has been identified from Moodlu to Moorina within the future Caboolture West development area (pictured below).”

In total, the future Bruce Highway Western Alternative (BHWA) is a corridor spanning
approximately 57 kilometres, from Stafford to Beerburrum.

Federal Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts, the Hon Paul Fletcher MP, said the government was committed to funding the delivery of critical road projects across Queensland.

“The Bruce Highway is Queensland’s major freight route, connecting Brisbane to central and northern Queensland, including 11 coastal ports, major regional cities and key tourist destinations,” Minister Fletcher said.

“With growing population pressures across the Moreton Bay region, a new, alternative road connection to the west of the Bruce Highway will help boost the capacity of the local road network and reduce congestion.

“The Bruce Highway Western Alternative project is one of many critical infrastructure projects to receive funding from the Morrison Government as part of its record $110 billion, 10-year infrastructure investment pipeline, which is helping to drive Australia’s economic recovery.”

Queensland Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey said three options were presented to the community with the central option listed as the preferred option.

“The preferred alignment offered more opportunities for local road connections, better environmental outcomes and fewer property impacts,” Mr Bailey said.

“The central alignment starts at the D’Aguilar Highway and travels south towards Caboolture River Road, staying close to the existing power easement.

“The corridor will provide for future interchanges and allow local roads to pass over or under the new road.

“Connections will link with locations that support public and active transport, the future town centre, key employment areas and health and education facilities.

“We will continue to work closely with Moreton Bay Regional Council and the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning’s Growth Areas Team to ensure this corridor ties in with the current structure plan for the Caboolture West development.”

Federal Member for Longman, Terry Young MP, said the central alignment started at the D’Aguilar Highway and travels south towards Caboolture River Road, staying close to the existing power easement.

“The corridor will provide for future interchanges and allow local roads to pass over or under the new road,” Mr Young said.

“This will be at locations which support public and active transport and access to the future town centre, key employment areas and health and education facilities.”

Moreton Bay Regional Council Mayor Peter Flannery welcomed the significant step towards building a Bruce Highway alternative and said with a city the size of Mackay expected to call Caboolture West home in coming years, the demand for roads in the region would only grow exponentially.

“We might’ve won the bid to host the Olympic Games in 10 years’ time, but the demand for infrastructure is happening now. This is our second M1, our Coomera Connector – and to check off this milestone, means we can hopefully have shovels in the ground sooner,” Mayor Flannery said.

“The Bruce Highway is the spine of Queensland’s road network and Moreton Bay is positioned at its most critical point, which is why it’s vital we build a road that takes local traffic off this major freight route.

“If you get an alternative road up, you can take local traffic off the state’s biggest highway and accommodate the 70,000 people that’ll be moving here.

“We’ve gotten the funding for major Bruce upgrades from both levels of government and it’s great to see work happening there, but now is the time to start properly planning for a Bruce Highway alternative.

“With the preferred option for stage one locked in and the ball now rolling on the next stage, I’ll be working with both the Queensland and Federal Governments to make sure we can progress this project as fast as possible.”

State Member for Kurwongbah Shane King said the Palaszczuk Government would plan for the future of the corridor in stages, as part of the record $27.5 billion roads and transport budget.

“We are working closely with the Moreton Bay Regional Council to consider development pressure and understand future needs of the region as we prioritise future stages of the route,” Mr King said.

“The next priority stage (Stage 2) is south of Caboolture West from Moorina to Narangba and is around 13km long.

“Consultation is expected to start for Stage 2 early next year (2022), however, in the meantime the community can provide early feedback on future stages through the project webpage.

“This project aims to provide appropriate future transport access and accommodate predicted growth in the area.”

This project forms part of the $20 million North Brisbane Bruce Highway Western Alternative project with $10 million each being committed by the Australian and Queensland governments.

For more information, visit www.tmr.qld.gov.au and search Bruce Highway Western Alternative.

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